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Preserving Corona’s Teen Nightclub Scene

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A story about how it started and how it ended.

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In 2012, Adrian Aros held several teen nightclub events in his hometown, Corona, California. He was 17 at the time. Adrian was the first one to host a teen nightclub event in Corona. This endeavor was short-lived, but not for reasons you may think.

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Dirty Night Promoz Picture 30 (www.DirtyNightPromoz.com)

This story starts in Las Vegas. Adrian shortly relocated to Las Vegas from age 15 to 17 due to his father’s job. While in Vegas, he became inspired by their large teen nightclub scene and planned to launch his own events. Before he could start his business, his father was relocated once again and returned to Corona. This did not stop him from continuing his plans.


Upon arriving in Corona, he founded “Dirty Night Promoz” (DNP) and started planning his first teen nightclub event. Coincidentally, he ran into someone who shared the same vision while at the movies one night. We’ll refer to him as Bob (not his real name). Unfortunately, the city shut down DNP’s first event due to permitting issues. This did not stop Adrian from continuing his endeavors.

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Adrian’s 2nd event was held in Corona. This time, the event was allowed to operate. This event had numerous local DJs perform, featured a performance stage for dancing, and showcased graffiti art. Adrian had personal bodyguards accompany him at the event (he had bodyguards with him throughout all his events).

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Dirty Night Promoz Picture 32 DJ Sigh1 (www.DirtyNightPromoz.com) (1)

DJ ABO and DJ Sigh1 were Corona’s most popular DJs at the time. They headlined each event.

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The stage was created with the help of his high school wood shop teacher. His teacher also gave him several large canvases. Both the wooden stage and canvases were professionally painted by a local graffiti artist paid for by Adrian.

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Dirty Night Promoz Picture 29 (www.DirtyNightPromoz.com)

Anthony Saucedo, from Tony’s Talk Showcase, was the event photographer. His sister and a friend came along with him. We’ll refer to the friend as Mary (not her real name). While setting up the graffiti artwork, Mary offered to help Adrian. They began dating two weeks later.

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Mary accompanied Adrian for his 3rd and 4th events. All the events were successful. During this time, Mary started attending college and no longer wanted to be a part of the event industry. After his 4th event, Mary told Adrian she would not attend future events. She wanted to focus on her college education.

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Mary kept her promise and did not attend Adrian’s 5th event. During the event, he received a call from a big promoter known throughout California. The promoter wanted to partner with Adrian. This partnership would have reshaped Adrian’s teen nightclub scene.

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Adrian felt alone even though a crowd surrounded him. Adrian was at a crossroads. He had to decide whether to continue his business in the party scene or change his ways. Adrian considered college but felt the party scene would hold him back – he could only choose one.


While his 5th was the most successful, Adrian realized he no longer wanted to organize teen nightclubs. At the end of the event, Adrian decided to end DNP. And Corona never saw another teen nightclub event again.

Anthony Saucedo from Tony's Talk Showcase - Dirty Night Promoz (www.DirtyNightPromoz)

Photography was by Anthony Saucdeo from Tony's Talk Showcase (previously Self Taught Productions). Anthony requested to replace his Self Taught Productions logo for his new company, Tony's Talk Showcase.

Meet the Organizers

Adrian Aros Dirty Night Promoz (www.DirtyNightPromoz.com)

Adrian Aros

DNP Leader

Adrian went to college and was baptized into the Christian faith after DNP. Adrian would not be where he is today without college and his local church. Learn more about Adrian's life after DNP by clicking here.

HMU to hang out with me at church. Everyone is welcome to join me.


Anthony Saucedo Dirty Night Promoz (www.DirtyNightPromoz.com)

Anthony Saucedo


Anthony continued his photography business, Self Taught Productions (STP). He later founded Tony's Talk Showcase, a podcast featuring underground artists. Learn more by clicking here.

DJ Sigh1 Dirty Night Promoz (www.DirtyNightPromoz.com)

DJ Sigh1


DJ Sigh1 continued his DJ career. Today, he is an Open Format Latino Mobile DJ widely known in Riverside County. He owns and operates Movimiento Flow Radio, an online radio station. Learn more by clicking here.

DJ OBO Dirty Night Promoz (www.DirtyNightPromoz.com)



DJ ABO continued a different path. Today, he continues spreading positivity in his everyday life.


Promoter Dirty Night Promoz (www.DirtyNightPromoz.com)



We would like to recognize Promoters involved with DNP. Send us an email at Contact@DirtyNightPromoz.com if you would like to be featured here.

DJsDirty Night Promoz (www.DirtyNightPromoz.com)



We would like to recognize DJs involved with DNP. Send us an email at Contact@DirtyNightPromoz.com if you would like to be featured here.

Learn more about Adrian Aros by visiting www.AdrianAros.com.
Copyright © 2023 Adrian Aros. All rights reserved.